

My favorite day of the week is easily Sunday. It's the perfect day for rest and relaxation. It is usually a great sports day. From September to February I enjoy watching the Chiefs break my heart over and over again. (This next season will be ours.) From March to June, basketball takes over with March Madness and the NBA Playoffs. It is also a great day to spend with friends and family since most people are off from work on this day. Some people go to Church all day and others get drunk as a skunk for Sunday Funday. I've done both over the years. Sunday's just have a good vibe to them. The only thing that could make Sunday's better for me would be Chick-Fil-A being open, as a matter of fact they need to have a Sunday buffet just to make up for all of the times that I pulled up already tasting that deluxe chicken sandwich only to find an empty parking lot to remind me that it's Sunday.

Today I woke up in a decent mood, not great, not bad, but decent. My allergies woke me up so I felt like I didn't get all of the rest that I wanted. I had crazy dreams last night, so those kept waking me up throughout the night too. I woke up for good around 9. I was feeling a little cranky but I didn't want to take it out on the family. Alex made a great French toast breakfast. I don't know what she's got up her sleeve, but she's been cooking like crazy, I ain't mad at that at all. 

After breakfast, Al and I were both feeling lazy. We didn't feel like doing anything. We would've been completely satisfied chilling all day.  All I wanted to do today was eat, maybe read, try to get lucky, take a nap and watch the game tonight. However when you have a seven year old in the house full of energy, there's no such thing as a lazy Sunday. I am still adjusting to this. I'm used to doing whatever I want to do, when I want to do it. Having a family, this is no longer the case. You hear a lot about the big sacrifices made for families, but I'm still adjusting to the small ones. Like yesterday I was trying to watch a movie, The Professional, an old movie about this Italian hit man named Leon. I used to watch this with my Pops when I was younger. Leon is cold blooded. As soon as I started the movie, Charleigh asked did I want to play a game in her room. Did I want to play the game? Not really. Did I want her to be happy? Yes, so we played with her nerf now and arrow and had a lot of fun. We were both happy, and after the game she let me chill and watch Leon put the work in. I'm learning.

So we got dressed and decided to hit the streets. Before we left, Alex decided to make sandwiches. After her nagging for 5 minutes about how I tied the bread bag, I jokingly asked her if she was sure she didn't want to have girls day and leave me at home. She said, "You don't have to come if you don't want to." I'm not falling for that trick, hell naw. Stay home thinking everything is cool only for her to come home with an attitude, I'm not stupid. 

We ended up going to the National Cathedral. The weather was perfect and the Cathedral was amazing. It was beautiful to see, lately I've had this fascination with the architecture of old churches, s I was happy. We laid out some blankets and relaxed. I read a little bit before putting my headphones on and taking a little nap. While I was trying to sleep, Charleigh was playing HARD. Running around, doing cartwheels, telling jokes, she was having a great time. She don't get tired!

Watching her reminded me of some advice that my OG Henry gave me some years ago. He told me to “try to live every day as a child in the sun.” A child in the sun isn't worrying about anything. They are living completely in the moment. Enjoying life and living it to the fullest, going as hard as possible. I needed this reminder, this isn't something that I've been practicing. You never know what will inspire you. For me, it was a seven year old doing cartwheels in the grass.

As I am writing this, we just got back to the house. The girls are in our bedroom watching a movie and I'm waiting on Lebron to rip the Hawks hearts out. We'll be having dinner soon and I've still got my fingers crossed on getting lucky.  Damn I love Sunday's.